Update March 2022
We have received notice of an update regarding the Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment applications concerning 1071 Ambleside Drive.
Please refer to this link for revised plans. The most recent submission materials are dated 2022-03-22.
In general, the key revisions of the proposal include the following:
- The inclusion of 15 two-storey town houses located to the east of the tower.
- Additional design changes were the addition of two more stories to 32.
- Further refinement of the programming/landscaping of the site (including a path connecting the subject property to the abutting site to the west).
- The addition of 60 at-grade parking spaces.
- Amenity space has moved from the basement to the higher floors.
- Osgoode Properties is interested in using the open space at the south-west corner of the property as a parkland dedication.
A date has not been confirmed for the applications to proceed to Planning Committee, but those who have submitted comments to the City File Lead, Laurel McCreight be notified.
Councillor Kavanagh hosted an information session on Tuesday, November 30th. You can view the meeting below.
Osgoode Properties has submitted applications for Official Plan and zoning amendments for the 1071 Ambleside Drive site.
- The Official Plan amendment is needed for the Cleary and New Orchard Area-Specific Policies to recognize a change in building height to 30-storeys.
- The zoning amendment is needed to permit development as proposed, by increasing permitted building height to permit a 30 storey high-rise building.
Visit the Ottawa.ca/DevApps site to review the submitted documents.
A total of 293 rental units are proposed with 343 underground parking spaces. The development also provides for 152 enclosed bicycle parking spaces . The proposal envisions 3,650 m2 of outdoor amenity space on either side of the tower to provide pedestrian and cycling connects to and from the site. The 13-storey residential building that is currently on-site is proposed to be retained.