18:39:36 From General CBLCA to Everyone : With zonin for site limited to 6 storeys and plans for Crystal Beach lakeview infill being "built-form" and NO buildings west of Holly Acres or all of Bells Corners above 6 storeys, why should our community accept two 9 storey buildings? 18:40:12 From Art Lytle to Everyone : agree 18:54:23 From Rick Nelson to Everyone : what transit?? 19:00:13 From Councillor Theresa Kavanagh to Everyone : FYI I have asked for city staff to give their reasoning for frontage/width requirement on Carling Avenue. I will share once I have a response. 19:06:52 From Carla Bauer to Everyone : Will the glass be an issue for bird strikes? 19:07:27 From Penny to Everyone : and heavy winds coming off the river! 19:07:37 From General CBLCA to Everyone : how is the glass chosen to protect against bird strikes given the flight path in the area 19:08:10 From Steven to Everyone : Can the buildings be re-oriented north/south to improve privacy for existing neighbourhood? There is too much intrusion from rear balconies. 19:10:04 From Steven to Everyone : Can ground floor commercial e.g. coffee shop etc be incorporated to offer some 15-minute neighbourhood amenities to compensate for loss of privacy in existing neighbourhood? 19:10:08 From Kevin Williams to Everyone : We need to try to get them not to be 9 stories high. There is a big difference between 6 Vs. 9. 19:10:35 From Councillor Theresa Kavanagh to Everyone : The City of Ottawa approved Bird-Safe Guidelines in November 2020 for new construction 19:11:24 From Rick Nelson to Everyone : where do you get the sq meters allowed by present zoning? 19:11:34 From Art Lytle to Everyone : what about the already overwhelmed and outdated sewage and water systems. 19:11:46 From Steven to Everyone : How will impact on migratory birds be assessed? The Canada Geese transit daily over this area. 19:12:25 From Art Lytle to Everyone : The homes directly to the south have already flooded from backed up sewers twice in the last 10 years. 19:12:35 From Rick Nelson to Everyone : this building will cause a wind tunnel for residents to the south 19:15:56 From General CBLCA to Everyone : Is there any requirement for storage onsight for stormwater management 19:16:17 From Glenn to Everyone : Is fotenn the builder / owner or just designer. 19:16:28 From Kevin Brewer President, CBLCA to Everyone : you mentioned the gas station maybe for sale, is that zoned also for 34m? 19:16:28 From Art Lytle to Everyone : The other developers also offered to buy the properties to the south before they pulled 19:16:36 From Sheldon Rice to Everyone : If approved when would the build start? How long will it take? 19:17:13 From Art Lytle to Everyone : its not drainage that is the issue. 19:17:21 From Laura C. to Everyone : Are these buildings for senior living? 19:17:48 From Art Lytle to Everyone : it is storm sewers that were designed for 1960s bungalows 19:17:48 From Rick Nelson to Everyone : 3358 Carling was required to do on site storage for storn water 19:18:21 From Penny to Everyone : are there elevators? 19:19:08 From David McKay to Everyone : underground parking for 250 cars, how much space is allowed below. We are close to the river? 19:19:29 From Steven to Everyone : How can we get this development down to 3 storeys, to be compatible with the existing character of the neighbourhood? 19:19:57 From Rick Nelson to Everyone : how do you expect residents to cross carling to catch or get off a bus?? 19:20:57 From Valerie B to Everyone : is this planned as a rental or condo (purchase) developmment 19:21:04 From Connie-Assistant to Councillor Kavanagh to Everyone : Link for geoOttawa: https://maps.ottawa.ca/geoOttawa/ 19:22:10 From Kevin Brewer President, CBLCA to Everyone : Will these drawings be available for distribution ? 19:22:47 From Mark Hollett to Everyone : Can the design materials of the podium and upper floors be more developed and less modern? the grass in front of the building of the rendering also appears as underdeveloped. It would be nice to promote a connection to the streetscape. The details of the rendering appear minimal and simplified. Although popular in the city, the neighbourhood has much more softer tones with human scale elements. This will be setting a precedent for all future buildings along carling. 19:24:47 From angie to Everyone : I personally like this design. The land is going to be developed regardless and I would much prefer 2 smaller but taller buildings than a large rectangular block that is short and squat. 19:25:17 From Rick Nelson to Everyone : Turning left onto Carling can be very dangerous 19:25:34 From Caroline to Everyone : I agree with Angie - the design is well thought out. 19:25:54 From General CBLCA to Everyone : FYI, there will be a survey done by the community association on this project. Details to follow from association 19:26:41 From angie to Everyone : What is the time frame for construction/approval, etc.? 19:26:48 From Rick Nelson to Everyone : are you aware that the new official plan calls for low-rise on minor corridors in outer urban transect 19:26:59 From Donna (she/her) to Everyone : Follow the approvals process on the City's Development Applications Portal: https://devapps.ottawa.ca/en/ 19:27:16 From Brenda to Everyone : I believe there is a bus stop at Carling and Crystal Beach! 19:27:20 From Art Lytle to Everyone : will there be a sound barrier/fence along the back of the property. 19:28:02 From David McKay to Everyone : I am concerned about the building materials and the amount of sunlight that will be reflected onto the adjacent properties to the South. 19:28:13 From Art Lytle to Everyone : the ramp is directly behind my house. 220 cars driving in and out in my back yard is not acceptable. 19:28:26 From Jean Levac to Everyone : What about the new OP that is in draft, it doesn’t allow for anything higher than 4 storeys… 19:28:30 From Steven to Everyone : Modern/glass is nice. 19:29:41 From Art Lytle to Everyone : They have to get to the ramp 19:30:05 From Steven to Everyone : Theresa: how can the City incorporate resident concerns re: height/privacy/wind etc and prioritize over developers’ desires? 19:30:06 From Brenda to Everyone : Are they condos? 19:30:12 From Art Lytle to Everyone : from above ground 19:30:38 From General CBLCA to Everyone : will there be access onsite for car charging 19:32:15 From paulbrown to Everyone : How about moving the parking ramps to the west end of the property, in the triangular section of land?? 19:33:10 From Caroline to Everyone : Are these rental units? 19:33:29 From angie to Everyone : What is the projected time line for approval/construction? 19:34:10 From Donna (she/her) to Everyone : how many affordable units? The City has authority to insist on a certain amount of affordable. 19:34:56 From Anita Kaiser to Everyone : any designated affordable rental units? 19:36:10 From Brenda to Everyone : For turning left on Carling Ave, there is a yellow area between the two and two ways of traffic. It would be better if City made that area a turning buffer. 19:36:55 From Donna (she/her) to Everyone : They have already crunched the numbers. Who are you kidding 19:37:46 From Donna (she/her) to Everyone : Carling? 19:38:23 From Donna (she/her) to Everyone : I will. :) 19:40:00 From Pablo Juarez to Everyone : Very nice presentation. Thanks everyone for your time. 19:40:18 From Art Lytle to Everyone : who is the owner/developer 19:40:32 From Caroline to Everyone : Who is the developer? 19:40:33 From General CBLCA to Everyone : Agreed. Good details and well presented. Thanks to all 19:41:00 From Donna (she/her) to Everyone : Thank you Councillor Kavanaugh. I appreciate your leadership on this file, and all Bay business. Thanks also to Foten. 19:41:06 From Caroline to Everyone : Thanks for organizing this session. 19:41:09 From Art Lytle to Everyone : thank you 19:41:12 From Kevin Brewer President, CBLCA to Everyone : Thanks for the meeting and your willingness to discuss with us (the Community)! 19:41:56 From Brenda to Everyone : Thanks for all the info. I like what I'm seeing! 19:42:16 From Caroline to Everyone : Good design...good use of the property.