March is going out like a lion! Periods of wet snow moved into the region and will continue through the afternoon before changing over to rain this evening. Rain will continue this evening, through the overnight and is expected to wrap up Saturday afternoon or early evening, with 20 to 25 millimetres of rainfall possible. Temperatures Friday will be cool, but above freezing, while Saturday’s forecasted temperatures are expected to reach a high of plus 12 degrees. Frigid air returns Saturday night with a sharp drop in temperature and wind chill values in the minus 20s expected. This may create icy conditions and residents are reminded to exercise caution while using all transportation networks.
Our Response
The Roads and Parking Services team continue to operate 24/7 and we are ready! Supervisors will be out over the next 48 hours to monitor conditions. As the precipitation moves in, we will keep a close eye on sidewalks, roads, and the winter cycling network and deploy resources as needed.
Ahead of this rain event, we are asking residents to keep an eye on their local catch basins to ensure they are clear from any debris or remaining ice to allow water to drain from the roadway. You may report a blocked catch basin by creating an online service request by visiting or by calling 3-1-1.
This Week’s Peek at Potholes
Pothole crews continued their work on temporary repairs and this week alone, 151 crews have been assigned and since March 27, managed to fill over 12,000 potholes! This brings our year-to-date total – January 1 to March 30 – to more than 62,000 potholes filled. With 65 freeze-thaw cycles so far this season, and another one possible over the next 24 hours, crews have been busy, but they are up for the challenge!
To report a pothole on the road, let us know by visiting
Next Steps Over the weekend, supervisors will continue to monitor the transportation networks for icy conditions and localized drainage issues.