Wild Parsnip Strategy
The Public Works and Environmental Services department has been proactively mapping out wild parsnip infestation levels across the city along roadsides, parkland and pathways. Each year, the wild parsnip infestation levels mapping is used to identify the control areas (roadside/parklands/pathways) for the upcoming year.
The integrated management strategy includes monitoring, mapping, the use of herbicides, mowing and evaluation. The herbicides Clearview and Truvist were chosen in consultation with other Municipal and Provincial stakeholders and experts. Both herbicides are selective and may impact other weeds/plants but should not impact trees or grass.
Second year growth wild parsnip begins to dry up in August, so contact with the plant will be less likely to cause a reaction. However, the sap still remains inside the plant. Avoidance or personal protective gear, when handing the plant, is still recommended.