The City is responsible for collecting, transporting, processing and disposing garbage and recycling from Ottawa’s residents. The Solid Waste Master Plan will set the direction for the most sustainable ways to manage and reduce that waste. When it comes to reducing waste, residents have an important role to play. Small choices can make a big difference. Buying small bags of individually wrapped, snack-size treats comes with a high price tag – not only for the consumer, but also for the environment. Good news: avoiding waste is easy! 10 tips for starters:
- Buy less
- Recycle more
- Avoid excessive packaging
- Reuse, repair or upcycle things you already own
- Rent or borrow things you don’t need to own
- Regift, donate or re-sell gently used items instead of throwing them out
- Bring your own mug when you go for coffee
- Use reusable containers to make lunches
- Use your green bin
- Drink tap water
Did you know…?
Ottawa’s dogs poop 4,000 tonnes per year! That is a lot of compostable organic matter. Thank you for putting your dog’s waste it into your green bin.

Contact the the project team at wasteplan@ottawa.ca.