Start this school year on the right foot! Make school zones safer and help kids get exercise with a walking routine!
Set a healthy routine with your family this school year! Walking, scooting, and cycling to school is a great way to start the day.
The 2022 ParticipACTION Report Card shows that only 28% of kids in Canada (5-17 years) are meeting national physical activity guidelines. The Canadian 24-Hour Movement Guidelines recommend 60 minutes of moderate activity per day and 1-2 hours of light activity per day for children aged 5-17. These targets can be achieved by including walking, cycling, or scooting to school in your family’s routine.
If you live too far away from school, or your schedule makes it challenging to walk the whole way, consider parking a block away from the school and walking. Even walking 5 minutes to school reduces congestion around the drop-off area, improves school zone safety, and promotes physical activity. You can find the Walk-A-Block map for OCDSB and OCSB schools here, and at these links for CECCE and CEPEO.
Walk to school when you can – it will make a world of difference!
Find more resources about school active transportation at EnviroCentre and the Ottawa Student Transportation Authority.