On the agenda for the first meeting will be a discussion on Section 37 of the Planning Act. Residents can listen in or participate.
Replacing Section 37
The Province is discontinuing the ability for municipalities to collect Section 37 benefits. Under Section 37 of the Planning Act, the City can sometimes negotiate a financial contribution from a developer in exchange for approving greater density than might be permitted under local regulations. The City then uses that revenue to pay for projects that benefit the surrounding community.
The new legislation will take effect in September 2022, but the Province has also provided that municipalities can enact a community benefits charge by-law that would allow it to collect revenues to fund a range of community services required because of new growth. The City needs to enact such a by-law or risk losing out of those revenues.
The Planning Committee will consider a staff-recommended framework for developing the new by-law, which includes a consultation strategy and defines the types of growth-related projects that would benefit from the new fees.
UPDATE January 13, 2021 – Application for a minor zoning amendment for 847 Woodroffe Ave postponed to February 11, 2021.