Plant a tree by your home
The City’s Trees in Trust program needs your help to find suitable locations for street trees. Street trees are available by request on a first come, first served basis. If your City-owned street frontage lacks a tree and you have the time and commitment to help care for one, please contact us.
- There will be no charge to the homeowner (supply and planting will be provided by the City).
- The program applies only to homes with street frontage (the space between your property line and the roadway).
- The property owner must pledge to assist with the proper tree care (watering) for the first three years of the tree’s life. Instructions will be provided.
- Trees will be a minimum size of 50 mm diameter, or 2 to 3 meters in height.
- Limit of one tree per single fronting household or two trees per corner lot.
- The proposed location must meet the Trees in Trust program criteria.
Refer to the City site for complete details and to order a tree.