Update provided on first days of O-Train Line 1 service
The Transit Commission received an update on the performance of the new O-Train Line 1 service since its launch on Saturday, September 14, 2019. OC Transpo gave a presentation on the first days of O-Train Line 1 service, which covered topics such as performance and customer experience. Parallel bus service will remain in place for three weeks and customers are encouraged to use the OC Transpo Travel Planner on OCtranspo.com to find out how their route will change when parallel bus service ends on October 6.
transfer of $600,000 to the Para Transpo online services project
Transit Commission approved the transfer of $600,000 to the Para Transpo online services project, paving the way for Council consideration on September 25. If approved, this will total $1.5M in funding dedicated to the Para Transpo online service project. OC Transpo will table a report on the project at the November 2019 Transit Commission meeting.
MOney for purchase of electric buses
As part of the Capital Adjustments and Closing of Projects Report, Transit Commission approved the re-allocation of $6 million to be used for the purchase of electric buses, charging equipment, infrastructure, and other costs associated with the integration of electric buses.
financial results
The Transit Commission also received the OC Transpo financial results for the second quarter of 2019, which indicated a net deficit of $2.443 million. This is primarily due to higher Para Transpo costs to meet the increased ridership demand and lower average fare revenue. The current projected estimate forecasts a year-end deficit of $6.784 million, a result of the continual trend described above in addition to the fare freeze decided by Council, which staff have been directed to seek recovery from RTG.
awards for heroism
The Transit Commission presented two Awards of Heroism to four OC Transpo employees. While on duty, Special Constables Gibeault, Browne and Panetta approached an individual exhibiting unusual behavior to check on his well-being. As the Special Constables approached him, they noticed he was carrying a shot gun. The Special Constables took immediate control of the individual and removed the loaded weapon, both of which were turned over to the Ottawa Police Service.
In another incident this summer, Special Constables Gibeault and Faubert noticed an altercation occurring in a parked car. The Special Constables requested Ottawa Police Service assistance then sounded their siren and horn to try to disrupt the altercation. Two individuals exited the parked car and told the Special Constables that a third individual in the car had a weapon and was intending to harm them. The Special Constables attempted to protect the individuals from harm until the Ottawa Police Service arrived and the Special Constables assisted in the arrest of the perpetrator.
For more information on OC Transpo’s Transecure program please visit octranspo.com.