The City’s Traffic Calming Design Guidelines are now posted on the City’s website here.
There are 3 parts
- Part 1 – Ottawa-Specific Design Guidance
- Part 2 – Traffic Calming Toolbox
- Part 3 – Glossary and Appendices
Part 1 – The primary purpose of the City of Ottawa Traffic Calming Design Guidelines is to provide guidance for planning and designing traffic calming for existing streets in Ottawa.
Part 2 – This Toolbox (Part 2 of these Traffic Calming Design Guidelines) supplements the traffic calming measures outlined in the Transportation Association of Canada’s (TAC) Canadian Guide to Traffic Calming, providing highlights and considerations for the implementation of a variety of traffic calming measures in Ottawa. In general, plans are more effective when a combination of measures in this toolbox are used as opposed to the implementation of single measures in isolation. All functional designs of any measure included in this toolbox must comply with City design and construction standards and specifications.
Part 3 – Glossary and Appendices