This fall, His Worship Mark Sutcliffe will award up to 15 deserving and extraordinary citizens with the Order of Ottawa in recognition of their exceptional contributions in many areas of city life including arts and culture, business, philanthropy, health care, education, public service, labour, communications and media, science, sports and entertainment.
The awards ceremony is planned to take place at City Hall the evening of Thursday, November 16th.
The Brian Kilrea Award for Excellence in Coaching will also be presented at this ceremony. Created in 2003, this award is in recognition of Mr. Kilrea’s 1000th career victory and acknowledges the contribution of an amateur coach who best exemplifies the qualities of leadership and commitment that have been the hallmarks of Brian Kilrea’s career.
The deadline for nominations is on Friday, September 8th, we hope to attract a wide and diverse array of individuals who have demonstrated outstanding service and commitment to our city through their professional achievements.
The Order of Ottawa, established in 2012, celebrates outstanding citizens of Ottawa. This prestigious, civic award recognizes exceptional citizens who have achieved the highest level of excellence and achievement in many fields of endeavour, have brought honour and prestige to themselves and made significant contributions to the community that benefit the citizens of Ottawa.
Please take a moment to nominate an Ottawa resident whose extraordinary work and dedication have helped make Ottawa a better place to live.
Eligibility Terms and Criteria
Any resident of Ottawa who has made a major impact, influence and outstanding benefit to our community and the broader community through career and community contributions is eligible for nomination.
Nominations will be considered every year for five consecutive years from the date of submission. Supplemental information outlining new significant accomplishments and contributions can be submitted by the original nominator to
Ineligible Criteria
Nomination submissions consisting exclusively of volunteer work will not be considered. Such submissions, however, could be considered for the Mayor’s City Builder Award, a civic honour created to recognize outstanding volunteerism.
Ineligible Nominations
- self-nominations
- nominations of immediate family members
- posthumous nominations
- elected federal, provincial, or municipal politician currently in office
- sitting judge of any court
- municipal, provincial, and federal officials currently in office
- A volunteer
Nomination Process
Please submit your nomination using the online form at the link below.
Order of Ottawa nomination form
Brian Kilrea Award for Excellence in Coaching nomination form
You can also download and print a copy of the nomination formOpens in a new tab or window (for print purposes only)
Mail print nomination form to:
City of Ottawa
Order of Ottawa Selection Committee
c/o Office of Protocol and Intergovernmental Affairs
110 Laurier Avenue West
Ottawa, ON K1P 1J1
Deadline for nominations
The nomination deadline is Friday, September 8, 2023 at 11:59 P.M. EST.
Selection Process
All nominations are considered by a Selection Committee comprised of the Mayor or Deputy Mayor, City Clerk, Chief of Police, Chief of Protocol, City Archivist, and the Chief Executive Officer, Library Services.
The Mayor of the City of Ottawa invests the recipients at an annual civic ceremony. Recipients and their nominators are notified in advance of the investiture.