We hope that you can join the conversation at Councillor Kavanagh’s consultation session on Sept. 19th at the Olde Forge to plan the future of our great City! The New Official Plan is a document that outlines the vision for future growth and physical development in Ottawa.
*IMPORTANT NOTE Parking is limited at the Olde Forge* Extra parking available at the Farm Boy, but there is a five minute walk.
The New Official Plan is a document that outlines the vision for future growth and physical development in Ottawa.
In 2019, the City of Ottawa is beginning a multi-year process to develop a new Official Plan. This page will be your hub for all updates, proposed policy and opportunities to provide feedback.
Recently, the #NewOP’s 5 Big Moves were released. The report presents the high-level policy directions dealing with: Growth Management; Mobility; Urban and Community Design; Climate, Energy and Public Health-related policies; and Economic Development.
The City is proposing to make a number of significant policy changes through the Official Plan to make Ottawa the most liveable mid sized city in North America. Known as the ‘Five Big Moves’, the following statements capture the most significant policy proposals for the new Official Plan:
1. Growth: Achieve, by the end of its planning period, more growth by intensification than by greenfield development. This growth will provide a variety of affordable housing options for residents.
2. Mobility: By 2046, the majority of trips in the City of Ottawa will be made by sustainable transportation.
3. Urban Design: Improve our sophistication in urban and community design, and put this knowledge to the service of good urbanism at all scales, from the largest to the very small.
4. Resiliency: Embed public health, environmental, climate and energy resiliency into the framework of our planning policies.
5. Economy: Embed economic development into the framework of our planning policies.
Read the full 5 Big Moves report here.Read the full report to Planning Committee and Agricultural and Rural Affairs Committee here.
To participate in the conversation on the New OP’s Five Big Moves, attend our consultation session on September 19th or check Engagement Ottawa, where you can read the full report, regularly access the most up to date information, and provide feedback through polls and surveys.