Summer Welcome and Volunteer Appreciation Night
Thank you to everyone who came out on Tuesday evening to welcome summer and celebrate some of Bay Ward’s amazing volunteers. It was such a privilege to give a shout out and recognize the many individuals who quietly lend a hand to support others in our community.
Whether its running sports programs for youth, working with community associations to help voice the needs and concerns of residents, putting together pot lucks to welcome new arrivals to Canada, organizing donations and pairing up bicycles with Ukrainian refugees or building a beautiful winter trail for all to use, these individuals are giving the greatest gift of all, their time. Helping others is a great way to connect with community. Volunteering impacts not just those who are on the receiving end but also those who give.

Thank you to our City services; Safer Roads Ottawa, the Enviro Center, our community police officer and the Olde Forge for taking the time to participate in the evening’s celebrations and engage with residents about the various resources they offer. You are all a huge part of what makes Bay ward such a great community to live work and play!