Ottawa – The City of Ottawa is extending a challenge to our business community: send us your proposals for technology innovations that will accelerate Ottawa’s ability to get the workforce back to work and safely resume business operations.
In the months ahead, the gradual easing of pandemic restrictions will bring new challenges for our community and for our businesses. For example, when our local shops start to re-open, it likely won’t be business as usual, but your ideas can help our economy bounce back while keeping people safe.
The Innovation Pilot Program – Recovery Stream is seeking innovative project ideas to support public health efforts or stimulate economic recovery. We are accepting proposals in many sectors, including health, tourism, festivals and events, restaurants, retail, construction, transportation, and food supply.
Successful applicants will have the opportunity to test and quickly deploy their technology innovations in real-life testing environments with the City or one of its economic development partners. The program provides companies with valuable feedback on their innovations prior to scaling and production.
We are accepting your proposals until Wednesday, May 20, 2020. Please check our web page for more details and eligibility criteria.