Defining the City Together
Take the 5 Big Moves Survey before the deadline of September 16th, 2019 to tell us you what you think about Five Big Moves for Ottawa’s future. We want to know what you think about how Ottawa will change and grow around us, now and for years to come.
We are rewriting Ottawa’s Official Plan – the strategic document that describes how the city will grow over time, where we will place major infrastructure, and what policies will be in place to support economic growth and guide the development and evolution of communities. Our goal is to position Ottawa to be flexible, resilient and, above all, a city where people want to live, work and play.
Following initial consultations with the public and stakeholders on a series of wide-ranging discussion papers, we are proposing to make a number of significant policy changes, known as the Five Big Moves:
- Growth: By 2046, achieve more growth by intensification than by greenfield development. This growth will provide a variety of affordable housing options for residents.
- Mobility: By 2046, encourage the majority of trips in Ottawa to be made by sustainable transportation.
- Urban Design: Improve our sophistication in urban and community design and put this knowledge to the service of strong development at all scales, from the largest to the very small.
- Resiliency: Embed public health, environmental, climate and energy resiliency into the framework of our planning policies.
- Economy: Embed economic development into the framework of our planning policies.