It is the time of the year where we would normally be promoting Cleaning up the Capital, however given the current COVID-19 situation this will not be taking place. Ottawa Public Health has prepared the information below.
Can I / a group of people (e.g., my family) clean a park, roadway, our property?
Due to the current COVID-19 situation no clean ups should be undertaken off your property. Residents have been advised to stay home and limit all non-essential activities outside of your home and property. Please understand this is a difficult decision as in all other situations the City of Ottawa greatly appreciates the support from the community in these clean ups. Please remember that all parks are closed, and only walkthroughs are permitted while respecting physical distancing.
If you or your household wish to initiate a clean-up activity on your own property, please take into consideration the following related guidelines and legislative and enforcement measures;
- Residents have been advised to stay a home and limit their physical interaction to only members of their household.
- No more than five (5) people can gather in one place.
- Follow self-isolation requirements, if you have traveled recently or are ill you are to remain inside your home and should not be participating in outside activities where there is a chance you may come in contact with someone (i.e. neighbours).
- Physical distancing – it is recommended to maintain distance of 2 meters (6 feet) from those around you at all times. This includes other individuals who may walk by your house and your neighbours how may be on their property.
- If you live in a multi-unit dwelling it is recommend you do NOT participate in any outdoor cleaning unless you can ensure a distance of 2 meters (6 feet) can be maintained at ALL times.
- Individuals over the age of 70 are recommended to self-isolate and should not participate in any outdoor cleaning activities
Please also undertake the following precautions when cleaning:
- Remain on your property at all times.
- Do not invite others outside of your household to participate
- Wear protective material on your hands such as gloves or plastic bags
- Use a picker if available to avoid using hands
- Collect litter into plastic bags and tie up when filled
- Put filled litter bags into your household waste on collection day
- Do not touch your face at any time during cleaning
- Wash your hands immediately following cleaning
- Never touch a needle with your hands. Follow safe pickup procedures, or call 3-1-1 (TTY: 613-580-2401) for assistance
For more information about COVID-19, please visit