The City of Ottawa’s Rail Construction Program is closely monitoring the COVID-19 situation and is in contact with the constructors about adhering to guidance provided by Ottawa Public Health and the Province of Ontario.
Construction is underway across all three Stage 2 O-Train Extensions:
- In the south, there is ongoing work at the Walkley Maintenance and Storage Facility (MSF) and on multiple rail bridges including Airport Parkway, Uplands Road, Lester Road, Leitrim Road, Bowesville Road, Earl Armstrong Road, and Limebank Road.
- In the east, bridge construction is underway at the Highway 174 Montreal Road interchange and widening work is taking place in preparation for detours and start of station construction
- In the west, utility relocation activities are underway in preparation for the commencement of cut and cover tunnel construction later this year, preparation for a new road bridge at Iris is underway, and work at Lincoln Fields is in full swing.
O-Train Confederation Line West Extension
Tree Removal:
- Connaught Park
- Dominion Station, near Workman Avenue
Moodie Light Maintenance and Storage Facility:
- Excavation and embankment construction are underway at the new Moodie Light Maintenance Storage Facility.
- Crews will be mobilizing on site to examine soil and ground conditions.
Baseline Station Area
- Soil stripping at the location of the new bus operator building.
- Utility relocation and construction are anticipated to begin in June.
Pinecrest Creek Pond
- Hydro line relocation is anticipated to start mid-June.
- Root wads from tree removals in Fall 2019 have been stored on site. Root wads have been stored on site since tree removal in 2019. Root wads are being used in the construction of the pond bank to prevent loafing and nesting opportunities for geese
Iris Station Area
- A hydro line is being relocated on the north side of Iris Street in advance of the culvert extension.
- Excavation is ongoing, within the fenced off area, north of Iris Street.
- Work is anticipated to begin on the culvert foundation in mid-June
Queensview Station
- Excavation for the trenched alignment in the area of the future Queensview Station is ongoing along Highway 417.
Connaught Cut and Cover Tunnel & Rail Flyover Bridge
- Utility relocation work is underway in Connaught Park.
- Road modifications on Connaught Avenue are underway to accommodate future utility relocations along the roadway.
- Flyover bridge foundation construction has started.
- Pathway preparation work on south side is underway.
Lincoln Fields Station Area
- Crews are relocating a storm sewer that conflicts with the future Lincoln Fields Station and guideway.
- Roadwork is underway on Carling Avenue to detour motorists around upcoming utility work.
Byron and Richmond Corridor (Byron Linear Park)
- Hydro work started on the north side of Richmond Road near McKellar Park and will progress east. The sidewalk on the north side of Richmond will be closed in June.
- Hydro Ottawa duct bank excavations are underway on the north side of Richmond Road between Woodroffe Avenue and Cleary Avenue. Trench excavation is taking place along north side of Richmond to bury lines that are currently on south side of Byron linear park
- Crews are constructing sidewalks on the south side of Byron Avenue.
Rochester Field Laydown Site
- This site will be used for the coordination of equipment, crews and materials that will support Parkway Tunnel construction.
- Construction site setup has started with the building of an access road and fence installation.
Sir John A. Macdonald Parkway (SJAM)
- Excavation, granular, paving and drainage work are ongoing.
- A pathway on the south side of the SJAM will be closed on June 15 for the duration of the project. Lane shifts/traffic modifications should be expected in the coming months as the SJAM lanes are relocated further north to make room for the Parkway cut and cover tunnel.

Pictured: Root wads have been stored on site since tree removal in 2019. Root wads have been stored on site since tree removal in 2019. Root wads are being used in the construction of the pond bank to prevent loafing and nesting opportunities for geese.
Communications and Stakeholder Relations
All City of Ottawa in-person public meetings are cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Rail Construction Program is using other means and methods for sharing information with the public.
Stakeholders can stay up to date on the Stage 2 LRT project by visiting Ottawa.ca/Stage2, where they can view the following:
- Stage 2 LRT interactive map
- Stage 2 LRT newsletter
- Station descriptions and renderings
- Fact sheets and other helpful resources
Staff continue to engage with Councillors and community stakeholders as work progresses. Stakeholders can continue to direct inquiries to the Stage 2 LRT project’s email, Stage2@ottawa.ca.