Work related to Woodroffe Pedestrian Bridge
As part of the Stage 2 O-Train Light Rail Transit (LRT) project, the closure of a portion of MUP south of Carling Avenue is required to advance the completion of the new pedestrian bridge.
What: Construction of the permanent embankment and tie-ins to the west side of the Woodroffe Pedestrian Bridge.
Note: There will be impacts to the MUPs on the east side of the Woodroffe Pedestrian Bridge, both to finalize the connection to the bridge and to rebuild the N-S MUP. The details will be included in a future public notice.
When: Monday, June 26 at 7:00 a.m. to Monday, July 17 at 7:00 a.m.2023. Work will occur during the daytime and nighttime. Work on weekends may also be required.
Why: Completion of the permanent embankment and tie-ins to the west side of the Woodroffe Pedestrian Bridge, including paving of the MUP.
Where: East-west MUP south of Carling Avenue, between Sackville Street/Connaught Avenue and the Transitway.

Anticipated Impacts
Residents near the Woodroffe Pedestrian Bridge can expect the following construction activities to take place during the day and night:
- Excavators, compactors, and asphalt equipment will be used to construct the new MUP. Noise
from equipment will be audible and some equipment may cause vibrations. - Trucks will deliver material to the site. Noise from equipment and moving of material will be audible
- Site lighting and generators will be used to power lights which are a safety requirement for overnight work. Crews will place and/or direct the light away from residences to mitigate any impacts. The segment of the MUP between Sackville Street/Connaught Avenue and the Transitway will be closed for this construction. Pedestrians and cyclists will be detoured further south on Connaught Avenue or north to Carling Avenue to connect to the Pinecrest Creek Pathway. A new MUP in the north and south direction under the new Woodroffe Pedestrian Bridge will be available.
The segment of the MUP between Sackville Street/Connaught Avenue and the Transitway will be closed for this construction. Pedestrians and cyclists will be detoured further south on Connaught Avenue or north to Carling Avenue to connect to the Pinecrest Creek Pathway. A new MUP in the north and south direction under the new Woodroffe Pedestrian Bridge will be available.
Signage will be in place in advance of these works advising of the detour route. Pedestrians and cyclists should use extra caution and adhere to posted signage when localized detours are in-place, to ensure safety.
The construction work outlined in this notice is subject to change. Work may be delayed or extended due to weather or other unforeseen circumstances.
The safety of the public and workers is paramount, and we thank you for your patience during
Accessibility is an important consideration for the Stage 2 LRT project. The Stage 2 team makes every effort to provide access through and around construction sites. If you require special accommodation, please contact
Weekly Ward 7 Night Work Distribution List
Residents should be aware that throughout 2023, there will be an increased requirement for nightwork across the alignment. A weekly summary of nightwork providing greater detail as to location and activities, is shared at the outset of each week. If you would like to be included in the Ward 7 weekly night work summary, please email: to be added to the distribution list.
Future work is required in this area. Additional construction updates, such as changes to work sequencing and the duration or impact of this work will be communicated via the Stage 2 project e-newsletter. To receive these electronic updates please sign up at and select updates for “Lincoln Fields Station” and “Queensview Statin”. For other accommodations, or questions, please contact:
Damon Berlin
Stakeholder Relations,
Rail Construction Program,
City of Ottawa