Preparatory activities (borehole drilling, site office mobilization, pre-construction surveys, site preparations and tree clearing, etc.) are currently underway on each O-Train extension.
O-Train Confederation Line West Extension
• Vegetation removal and clean-up work are currently underway at the following locations:
o Dominion Station
o Churchill Avenue Pedestrian crossing of SJAM Parkway
o Sir John A. Macdonald Parkway
o Carling Avenue (Lincoln Fields)
o Iris Station to Baseline Road
o Transitway between Queensway Station and Lincoln Fields Station
o Connaught Park
o Queensview Station
o Holly Acres Road
o Moodie Drive
• Geotechnical investigations are ongoing with borehole drilling at the following locations:
o Graham Creek
o Sir John A Macdonald Parkway
o Pinecrest Creek
o Moodie Station
o Baseline Station
o Richmond Road
o Scott Street
• West site office set up:
o Trailer installation efforts are underway at the Moodie Drive and Rochester Field site offices.
Communications and Stakeholder Relations
The Rail Construction Program hosted three information sessions on February 6, 10, and 13 for the Trillium Line South extension. The project team engaged with local stakeholders, answered project questions and provided an overview of planned works in 2020. Additional information sessions will be hosted in various areas as designs and construction schedules advance.
Stakeholders can stay up to date on the Stage 2 LRT project by visiting Ottawa.ca/Stage2, where stakeholders can view the following:
• New Stage 2 LRT interactive map
• New Stage 2 LRT newsletter
• Station descriptions and renderings
• Factsheets and other helpful resources
Staff continue to engage with Councillors and community stakeholders as work progresses. Stakeholders can continue to direct inquiries to the Stage 2 LRT project’s email, Stage2@ottawa.ca.