Message from Better Bus Stop Project Team
What is the Better Bus Stop Project?
The Better Bus Stops Project works to improve the location and accessibility of bus stops and shelters. Walking distance, trip reliability, and customer comfort and safety influence the location of bus stops along the route. The project aims to improve location and accessibility of bus stops.
Carling/Ritchie (#4866) & Carling/ Scrivens (#5242)
- The proposal for stops at Carling/Ritchie (#4866) & Carling/ Scrivens (#5242).
- Carling/Ritchie (#4866): The existing bus bay will be filled in and amenities will be upgraded. The bus stop will remain at this location.
- Carling/ Scrivens (#5242): No improvements are proposed at this stop.
Carling / Connaught (#4997)
- The stop will be moved closer to the ramp to the SJAM Parkway. Traffic Safety was consulted and approve.
- The below images show the turn templates for the southbound left turn with the existing flag location (left), and the proposed flag location for the bus to align with the sidewalk (right). These images demonstrate the benefit of the stop relocation in terms of the ability for the back door of the bus to be closer to the curb.
Two Bus Bays are being removed
A Bus Bay is a short lane for buses go into to drop off and pick up passengers. When the bus tries to get back in traffic they may have to wait. By removing the bus bay, buses are no longer required to merge into busy traffic lanes resulting in reduced travel time variability for improved schedule adherence and reliability.
Greening of Bus Bays
- In locations where bus stops are being moved out of bus bays, the abandoned bus bays will not be retrofit as part of this project. They will remain as-is and likely be removed at a time when the road is resurfaced or rebuilt (no timelines available).
- In locations where bus bays are being removed/ filled-in, a new transit stop infrastructure will be built including asphalt landing pads, concrete shelter pads and concrete bench pads. What we can look at is providing a combination of hard surface that correspond to the door locations and grass for the remaining area within the bus stop.