Following last weekend’s winter storm, the Roads and Parking Services team have been continuing clean-up efforts throughout the city with a particular focus on the sidewalk network. Some sidewalks remain difficult to navigate and operators are continuing to plow, scrape and treat snow and icy conditions. With over 2,800 kilometres of sidewalks, it takes time to treat and clear them all. They are also finishing up any remaining problem spots such as bus stops, crosswalks, intersections, pedestrian islands, corners, and cul-de-sacs.
Snow removal operations
The Roads and Parking Services team is preparing for selective snow removal operations throughout the City. The focus will be in Business Improvement Areas and business districts, and where snowbanks have significantly increased on some arterial and collector roads. Snow removal operations will also begin on bridge decks and crews will be addressing sightline concerns at intersections and corners.
Snow removal is a planned event that requires crews to physically remove snow from the side of the road and transport it to one of our snow storage facilities. Snow removal is different than snow clearing, which occurs as snow is falling or immediately after a snowfall, to move the snow from the roadway to the side of the road or to the City’s right of way.
In some communities, crews are able to cast the snow from the roadway onto the City’s right of way and store it there. This is a safe operation which allows us to open roads without hauling snow away. Residents will know casting is taking place when they see the large blowers blowing snow off roads and sidewalks and onto City greenspace. Following the snow removal operations, a sidewalk machine is deployed to clear and treat the sidewalks in the area to ensure it remains safe for travel.

Residents can expect to see our team out in the community placing temporary ‘No Parking’ signs in snowbanks along the side of the roadway to prepare for snow removal. Residents will know it is taking place when they see temporary no parking signage in their community, and/or line-ups of large trucks with snow being blown into the boxes.

While the operations are really exciting to watch, we do ask that all residents, and especially children, give the vehicles space to do their work. Please stay a safe distance back.