Do you ever find yourself feeling nostalgic for the days you use to ride on the school bus? Are you looking for a change in career or new experience? Maybe you are looking for part-time work. Ottawa Student Transportation Authority (OSTA) are looking to recruit new bus drivers for the September school year. The process of becoming a school bus or van driver requires about four weeks of time for lessons, training, and testing before you take the wheel. If you think the job is a good fit for your interests, skills, and work-life balance, visit the OSTA web site for more details.
Celebrating Ottawa’s School Bus Drivers
A video created by EnviroCentre and the Ottawa Student Transportation Authority highlights the many positive impacts that school bus drivers bring to our communities. Of course, they ensure that our children get to school safely, but did you know they also help keep our air clean and reduce traffic too?
This 2-minute video collects incredible facts in a fun format that will engage parents and students alike. Learn how many cars every bus driver helps take off the road, how much GHG they avert and how they help to build a sense of community. Watch it now to discover all the reasons we have to thank school bus drivers!