Within the context of the Rental Housing Property Management By-law and Rental Accommodation Study Update which was passed by Council on Wednesday, August 26th, Ottawa Public Health (OPH) is providing further information in regards to OPH’s work in response to pest management:
- OPH’s primary role in the larger City of Ottawa strategy regarding pest control is education based.
- Inspection and follow-up of any pest related complaints received by the City of Ottawa is handled by By-law and Regulatory Services (BLRS) under the Property Standards By-Law.
- Throughout the year, OPH works in partnership with City of Ottawa departments to participate in community walkabouts organized by ward Councillors, community associations, condo boards, and residents to provide a community level response and information regarding pest infestations.
- OPH participates in studies and reviews led by other City of Ottawa departments regarding pest control, such as the Rental Accommodations Study led by Emergency and Protective Services.
- OPH does not have base funding to assist vulnerable tenants with pest management. In years past and where the opportunity presents, OPH successfully re-directed end of year funding to Community & Social Services and Ottawa Community Housing to support the purchase of pest management supplies and equipment e.g. mattress covers, heat tents.
OPH Pest Control Resources
- How to Inspect, Prevent and Respond to Rats (information available in French English, Somali and Arabic)
- Preventing Rats on Your Property: A Guide for property Owners and Tenants
- Information Regarding Bed Bugs
- Information Regarding Cockroaches