Below are the policies relating to high rise buildings on arterial mainstreet (Link: This information was requested in response to the zoning change request by developers for a 22 storey building at Carling and Woodroffe.
On Arterial Mainstreets, unless a secondary plan states otherwise, building heights up to 9 storeys may be permitted as of right but High-rise buildings may only be permitted subject to a zoning amendment and where the building will be located at one or more of the following nodes:
- within 400 metres walking distance of a Rapid Transit Station; or
- directly abutting an intersection of the Mainstreet with another Mainstreet or a Transit Priority Corridor; or
- directly abutting a Major Urban Facility:
and where the development provides a community amenity and adequate transition is provided to adjacent low-rise.
The Zoning By-law may establish as-of-right building heights lower than nine storeys where site conditions, existing character and compatibility with adjacent development dictate that a lower building form is appropriate. [Amendment #150 LPAT July 18, 2019]