On Monday, December 6th, 2021, the City’s Planning Committee received a report on the state of 15-minute neighbourhoods in Ottawa, establishing baseline scoring for properties across the city.
View the presentation 15-Minute Neighbourhoods Baseline Report
The new Official Plan introduced the concept of 15-minute neighbourhoods, where people can live viably without a car because daily needs are located within a 15-minute walk of home. The report is based on a list of nine amenities that should be within a 15-minute walk of any residential property inside the urban boundary, as well as within rural villages. The list includes grocery stores, parks, retail stores, bus stops, LRT stations, health services, recreational facilities, schools, and childcare facilities.
The report includes a simplified map that distils scoring to three categories. High-access areas are those with between seven and nine items from that list. Moderate-access areas have four to six items and low-access areas have one to three.
By establishing baseline scores, the City will be better able to evaluate how these neighbourhoods evolve in the future and how the City might encourage that evolution. Mapping will also help identify where new housing might be served by existing amenities and where there is opportunity for additional services to grow and thrive.
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