The City wants your input
Ottawa – The City is gathering opinions and ideas on the City’s first-ever combined Parks and Recreation Facilities Master Plan (PRFMP), in support of the new Official Plan (OP).
You are invited to share your knowledge and experiences to help the City plan for the future of municipal parks, recreation and community activity spaces. The City wants to hear from residents, community associations, sports organizations, arts and cultural organizations, the homebuilders, residents interested in accessibility, equity and diversity and other recreation partners and user groups. Targeted stakeholder outreach with school boards, colleges and universities and the Nation Capital Commission are also being planned.
The virtual sessions have all taken place, but you can still have your say:
- Online survey – on
- Indoor Recreation Facilities survey: open now until Friday, March 12
- Email us:
- Send us a note:
- City of Ottawa c/o Parks and Recreation Facilities Master Plan
Attention: 26-51,100 Constellation Drive, Ottawa, ON, K2G 7E6
- City of Ottawa c/o Parks and Recreation Facilities Master Plan
The plan will go to the Community and Protective Services Committee and Council for approval in Fall 2021. It will be a contributing document to the City’s Official Plan.
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