The Ottawa Safety Council is offering summer CycleSafe Workshops that are designed to help build on the skills of young cyclists and help build their confidence.
It’s never too early to teach your children about road rules and road safety. Walks to the park, bike rides around the neighbourhood, or even rainy days stuck at home are the perfect time to turn building road safety into a fun group activity.
The Ottawa Safety Council’s CycleSafe program focuses less on cycling skills found in traditional bike rodeos and more on essential safety concepts that will increase children’s safety awareness, equipping them with the knowledge they will need to face the realities of sharing our roads while cycling. Register your child(ren) for one of our CycleSafe Workshops happening this summer around Ottawa! These modules are designed to compliment other cycling courses/camps your child(ren) may be a part of by really emphasizing road safety concepts that are critical for children to keep themselves safe while sharing our roads.
For more information visit the OSC website