OPH Connection Newsletter
This year, the first week of May marks the 72nd National Mental Health Week. The theme for this year’s mental health week is “my story”. This allows us to reflect on the importance of telling our story, the positive impacts it has on reducing stigma and uplifting those who may be living with similar experiences.
Each year 1 in 5 Canadians experience a mental illness or mental health issue, however, 5 in 5 of us – that’s all people – have mental health. This week, OPH will be providing Stigma: The Power of Language capacity building training workshops to Ottawa Community Housing (OCH) Tenant leaders across the city (East, West, Cental and South). The tenant leaders provide valuable support to families and residents in Ottawa Community Housing buildings. This week is also Safety and Health Week, which provides us with another opportunity to reflect on mental health, whether that be in your personal/home life or in the workplace.
There are many things we can do to promote positive mental health for ourselves and to support others during times of change. Workplace Strategies for Mental Health has a variety of resources that you may find helpful. For more information on the 13 factors that affect mental health in the workplace, be sure to check out our have THAT talk videos.
In November 2021, Ottawa Public Health (OPH) conducted a survey on the Status of Mental Health, Addictions and Substance Use Health in Ottawa and it was reported that 1 in 4 people would like support for their mental health but do not know where to go. On May 3, 2023, between 11:30 and 1:30, join Brittany Oremush and Chanel Brown from the Mental Health Team at the lobby of 100 Constellation Drive. There will be a booth with information on when to get help and where to access supports.
To build and maintain positive mental health, we cannot do it alone! Strong social connections help build our resilience, improve our physical and mental health, and help us cope with life stressors. Be an agent of hope this week and share your story with someone you trust.
For information on when and where to access mental health supports, you can go to: www.ottawapublichealth.ca/mentalhealthandwellness .
To read more of this week’s issue of the OPH Connection newsletter, visit here. Residents can also sign up to receive the OPH newsletter via email by signing up here.