We have received a report of organic waste being left out for wildlife at local Parks. We would like to remind residents of the dangers of feeding wildlife:
Threats to wildlife
- animals can become dependent on artificial food sources
- animals can lose their natural fear of humans and pets, becoming more prone to conflict
- artificial feed is not healthy for wildlife
- wild animals may gather in large numbers when they are being fed — this concentration of animals in one area can spread parasites and disease and cause destruction of natural habitat
- feeding animals near roads increases their risk of being hit by vehicles
Threats to people and their pets
- feeding wildlife may attract “unwanted” animals to your property
- animals will learn to associate humans with food, and can become a problem to neighbours and pets
- habituated animals can become aggressive
- feeding animals near roads increases the risk of motor vehicle accidents, resulting in property damage, injury or death

Local parks should be a source of pride and represent the community spirit of your neighbourhood – an extension of your own home and property. Organic household waste can have a negative effect on the park aesthetics, reduces community pride and increases operational costs for the removal and disposal of waste. Dumping household waste in park bins or park grounds results in an increase in service requests to the City. The additional volume of waste results in increased operational costs that are funded through property taxes.
Dumping of household waste on park grounds can also pose a health risk to domesticated animals such as cats and dogs.In addition, it’s illegal to dump household waste in the park, and persons found to be dumping in parks could be fined.
Please keep your household waste at home. Don’t block the way to clean and healthy parks for you, your pet, your neighbours, and all park visitors.