From September 21 until October 23, you will have an opportunity to provide input into the Transportation Master Plan Update and Active Transportation Plan by completing an online questionnaire on active transportation, on what a fair and equitable transportation system looks like, and on the new technologies that are changing the way we move around the city.
While the COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on the City’s transportation system and things are still in a state of flux, the City is moving forward with its Transportation Master Plan update based on information available and in consultation with stakeholders, other levels of government, elected officials, and YOU.
The questionnaire will be available online at along with an introductory video, a discussion paper on new mobility technologies, and information on what we heard in Phase 1 of public engagement about your priorities and the vision for the future of Ottawa’s transportation system.
On that same site, you will find the link to an online mapping activity and questionnaire to identify the missing pedestrian and cycling links you would like to have considered as part of the Active Transportation Plan.
Have your say! Transportation planning decisions affect each and every one of us, no matter how you move through the city!