Want to get involved? Here’s how you can help!
Make a virtual donation
You can make a virtual donation through the Ottawa Food Bank’s website between November 1 and December 3.
Volunteer your time!
Although the number of volunteers required for this year remains at 225 rather than our typical 500 due to health and safety measures, they still need your help! Family and friends can volunteer for a shift on Saturday, December 4 between 10 am and 5 pm at participating stores. This volunteer opportunity qualifies as community service hours for high school students. If you are interested, please visit the Ottawa Food Bank’s new online volunteer registration site.
Make an in-person donation on Saturday, December 4
Donate non-perishable items or make a monetary donation through store cashiers on Saturday, December 4 at participating grocery stores by placing items in Ottawa Food Bank donation bins. Items such as: rice, soup, tuna, pasta, diapers, baby food, baby formula, peanut butter, tomato sauce, and stews make great donation items.
I want to say a heartfelt thank you in advance for your continued support of this incredible tradition. And please remember that every donation, whether big or small, goes a long way in helping the most vulnerable in our community.