There will be further proactive steps taken to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic and help protect the safety of LRT operators and the customers they serve.
Doors Closest to Line 1 Operator Cabs Are Temporarily Closing
Following the successful implementation of rear door boarding on conventional buses, starting today, OC Transpo is implementing a similar solution for all Line 1 trains. This move is supported by the Union Leadership and Management team as a prudent mitigation measure.
- OC Transpo will be installing tape to block the doors and area closest to the operator cab from the rest of the train;
- Prominent signage will be placed on the doors closest to the operator cab at both ends of the train to inform customers of the change;
- Customers will still be able to use Cooperative seating areas in all parts of the train;
- Customers with bicycles should use the next closest door at the front of the train;
- They will add bicycle stickers to the appropriate door;
- Customers will be informed of this change using all communications channels; and,
- These measures are necessary to protect the safety of OC Transpo staff and its customers.
Staff are currently looking at barrier options for Line 2 trains; however, there are only two doors, making it more challenging to implement a similar approach to the above. More details will be provided once a solution is developed.
OC Transpo continues to work closely with the Office of Emergency Management, Ottawa Public Health, other City departments and their union partners.