Consultations with Council and the public process to begin in near future
With changes to ridership since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, and with the upcoming opening of the Stage 2 O-Train extensions, there is a need to optimize our existing transit system. This review aligns with the ongoing City service reviews being coordinated by the Service Review Working Group. Upon the conclusion of this process, OC Transpo will be able to optimize routes to support residents’ changing transit needs, while also responding to new realities, such as hybrid work, and to make policy recommendations to Council, if required.
As part of the review, transit customers, Councillors, customer advocacy groups, major employers, OC Transpo employees and other stakeholders will be engaged in a variety of different consultations:
• Briefings with Councillors on the review will be scheduled soon.
• At the end of April, a dedicated webpage and survey will be launched on The webpage will provide additional information about the route review
and the survey will be the first opportunity for customers to provide input on how they use
the Ottawa’s transit system, and what they want the future of transit in Ottawa to look like.
• In the coming months, there will also be public consultations held in various locations
across the city to allow for further public input.
Transit Services will be providing Councillors with information packages to facilitate outreach in
their wards.
To support the work required to complete this review, the core project team has engaged Dillon Consulting. Dillon was prequalified for this type of work through the City’s standing offer list. They will be working closely with our subject matter experts and bring expertise in planning, engineering, environmental science, and management.
I will be sure keep residents up to date and informed as this moves forward.