On December 18th, the Transit Commission received an update on both O-Train Line 1 and bus service.
Councillor Kavanagh inquired about absenteeism and the reliability of the bus service. Mr. Manconi informed the commissioners that OC Transpo is in the process of hiring, training and deploying over 100 new bus drivers over the next 6 months.
Councillor Kavanagh will continue to monitor and speak out about the level of service provided to Bay Ward and all Ottawa residents.
General Manager, Transportation Services John Manconi’s Update:
Overall, OC Transpo has seen a positive downward trend in the issues that impact O-Train Line 1 service, including track switches, the Train Control and Monitoring System (TCMS), the Vehicle on Board Controller (VOBC) and door operations. These operational issues have been the main contributors to customer impacts since Line 1 service launched on September 14. While improved response and rectification times to these issues are minimizing customer impacts, staff continue to work closely with stakeholders on determining the root causes and implementing solutions.
The Transportation Services Department continues to make improvements to stations and trains, including: installing straps in trains, completing the covered walkway at Hurdman Station and completing anti-slip coatings on stairs at Lyon, Parliament and Rideau stations.
Bus Service
The update on bus operations noted that out of approximately 8,600 scheduled trips every weekday, approximately 98.5 per cent are being delivered. Although weekday service reliability has improved since the launch of Line 1, weekend service has not seen the same results. City staff are working diligently to minimize cancellations and mitigate customer impacts.
Winter Service Change
OC Transpo winter service changes will take effect on January 5, with a few changes beginning earlier on December 22. This quarterly service change includes further service enhancements to improve reliability, increase capacity and reduce wait times. For more information on the winter service changes, visit octranspo.com.
OC Transpo has been collecting feedback from customers, staff, Members of Council and Members of Transit Commission and will continue to integrate comments and feedback into ongoing changes and improvements. A copy of the O-Train Line 1 and Bus Service Update presentation is available on the O-Line Blog.