During construction, deliveries of materials will need to be made to the site. The contractors will need to close the sidewalk on Richmond. Sometimes for short periods ( 5 to 10 min) and other times for longer periods ( > 10 minutes).
Short duration (5 -10 minute) closures of the sidewalk adjacent to the site are acceptable. For material delivery closures in excess of 5-10 minutes, for safety reasons, a pedestrian detour during material delivery has been established – see illustration below. The crossing is located mid-block and runs from the driveway at the Honda dealership across Richmond Road. This location was chosen based on the existing dropped curbs on either side of Richmond. There will be flagspeople located at the crossing to ensure safe crossing for pedestrians. It is expected that sidewalk closures will take place twice a week for the next two years.
Please note that the Standards Unit performs accessibility audits across City construction sites. For private sites and work adjacent private sites, such as this one, the Program Manager, Inspections, works with Developers towards resolution of issues and is the direct contact to address any issues.