Related to Stage 2 construction
As part of the Stage 2 O-Train Light Rail Transit (LRT) project, Baseline Road will be closed to vehicles between Constellation Avenue and Woodroffe Avenue starting November 18, 2022, at 8:00 p.m. to Monday, November 21, 2022, at 6:00 a.m. for rehabilitation of the bridge crossing the Transitway.
Motorists travelling eastbound along Baseline Road will be detoured north on Greenbank Road/Pinecrest Road to Richmond Road. They will travel eastbound on Richmond Road and then turn right on to Carling Avenue to continue travelling east. At Woodroffe Avenue they will turn right and travel south until they connect back up with Baseline Road.
Motorists travelling westbound along Baseline Road will be detoured north on Woodroffe Avenue to Carling Avenue. After turning left, they will travel westbound and then turn left on to Richmond Road. They will turn left on to Pinecrest Road and travel south on Pinecrest Road/Greenbank Road until they connect back up with Baseline Road.
Motorists should adhere to detours, traffic control signage, posted speed limits, allow for added travel time and use extra caution when moving through active construction corridors as traffic patterns change.
There will be impacts to the Pinecrest Creek multi-use pathway (MUP) north of Baseline Road. The pathway west of the Transitway will be closed, while the pathway east of the Transitway (with access off Woodroffe Avenue) will remain open. Pedestrians and cyclists traveling east along Baseline Road will be detoured onto the MUP south of Baseline, down to Navaho Drive. They will then travel on the north side of Navaho Drive to Woodroffe Avenue and then back up to Baseline Road using the west side of Woodroffe Avenue. Pedestrians and cyclists travelling west on Baseline Road will use the same detour, but in reverse.
Pedestrians and cyclists should use extra caution and adhere to posted signage when localized detours are in-place, to ensure safety.
The construction work outlined in this notice is subject to change. Work may be delayed or extended due to weather or other unforeseen circumstances.
Future work is required in this area. Additional construction updates, such as changes to work sequencing and the duration or impact of this work will be communicated via the Stage 2 project e-newsletter. To receive these electronic updates please sign up at and click ‘Connect with Us’ and select updates for “Algonquin Station”. For other accommodations, or questions, please contact:
Meghan Alexander
Stakeholder Relations, Rail Construction Program, City of Ottawa /