On October 23rd, Council approved the next stage of the Older Adult Plan, to be in place from 2020 to 2022. The plan outlines 24 actions organized around four (4) main strategic areas that are consistent with the provision of City
services for older adults:
- Aging with Choice,
- Transportation and Mobility,
- Wellbeing, and;
- Communication.
The Older Adult Plan led to many accomplishments related to the City’s infrastructure, programs and services, accessibility, communication, and access to supports for low income, vulnerable older adults. The following highlights some of the OAP achievements between 2015-2018:
- 191 benches were installed at 25 Transitway Stations
- Crossing and signal times were adjusted at 72 busy intersections to allow more time to cross the street
- 74 new intersections have accessible pedestrian signals and countdown timers
- Over 350 on-street bus stops were improved for accessibility
- 2,837 sidewalk curbs graded from the top of the sidewalk to the street to eliminate tripping hazards
- 81 new grit boxes for public use to keep sidewalks safe for walking during the winter
- Over 3,000 Older Adult Emergency Preparedness kits were distributed in 6 languages Community and Protective Services Committee
- 980 smart burners, 1,525 carbon monoxide alarms, and 229 smoke alarms were installed for low-income seniors
- 1,943 free dental screenings were provided for low-income seniors
- 18 recreation locations highly frequented by older adults were equipped with older adult appropriate fitness equipment
- Thousands of older adults participated in recreational, cultural and art activities and workshops every year
- 131 affordable housing units for seniors are in development
- 153 seniors were approved for the Ontario Renovates Program
- 1,475 Programs and Services for Older Adults Guides were distributed in 5 languages
- 104,000 Older Adult Recreation Guides were distributed in French and English
- 795 Mental Health Caregiver Guides were distributed in French and English
- Information on programs and services for older adults was provided in person to hundreds of older adults through fairs, community events and workshops
- Every year a Flag raising ceremony celebrates the International Day of Older Persons
- The Senior of the Year Award is presented annually to an outstanding senior citizen