The city is looking for your input at by February 17th, 2020.
My message this week covers the City’s Growth Management Strategy and the recent committee decision to include two motions taht would be a major shift of land use for the urban-land expansion. Neither were recommended by City staff who had developed the various options and rated them on suitability for development. Read my views on this topic.
The City has developed 21 different one-page fact sheets to give people a general sense of the topics the OP will address. During the next couple of months, I will be highlighting these topics in the weekly Bay Ward Bulletin. Click here to view all the topics covered up to this issue.
There isn’t a one-page fact sheet for the Growth Management Strategy. However, there is a webpage dedicated to this important task of selecting the land for future development needed to meet the needs of our growing city.
Based on selection criteria outlined in the Growth Management Strategy that Council adopted in May 2020, staff have identified and ranked clusters of land recommended for inclusion within Ottawa’s urban boundary. The report recommends lands to accommodate new neighbourhoods as well as industrial lands to accommodate employment projections.
Read more and view reports at
The City is looking for feedback. If you would like to provide comments, please send them to by February 17, 2021.