Women and Gender Equity Strategy Event
The May 28th, Women and Gender Equity Strategy event was a big success and great start for the City of Ottawa to look at gender equity and diversity especially during the pandemic. We can see the inequity and now is a good time to have a conversation to move ahead on removing barriers and to have more equity for all.
I am pleased with the City’s team who are working to show more diversity and equity in our city structure, as well as, instituting a gender equity lens in its service offerings.
The Little Trail that could
I am so proud of the Britannia Winter Trail for being recognized as one of Ottawa’s top Winter Attractions along with such classic tourist attractions as the Rideau Canal Skateway of their achievements in just one full season.
Thanks so much to the hard work of the volunteer board members under the leadership of Judy Dudley and the many others who helped and also those who donated to the GoFundMe campaign. Also thanks to the City of Ottawa, the National Capital Commission and sponsors such as Accora Village. These partnerships brought the community together during the winter as we adapted to pandemic conditions. What a tribute to team work and community spirit!