Phewf it’s been a hot one!
Over the past couple of weeks, we have been experiencing both high temperatures and humidity also known as, “extreme heat events”. Ottawa Public Health (OPH) continues to monitor the daily forecast and based on the information received from Environment and Climate Change Canada, will issue heat warnings to residents through the OPH website and other media outlets.
Heat warnings are issued based on a forecast of daytime temperature of 31ºC or higher and nighttime temperature not cooler than 20ºC for at least two days, or humidex of 40 C for at least two days.
When there is an extreme heat event, we need to be sure to take extra precautions to care for our health and the health of others. While maintaining physical distancing, try to visit or check in on those who are more vulnerable during this time; neighbours, friends, and older family members, especially those who are chronically ill, to make sure that they are cool and hydrated.
I encourage everyone to visit OPH website to learn more about how you can beat the heat and stay safe this summer.
Climate change plays a big part in causing these fluctuations in temperatures that we are experiencing. Another reason for us to be environmentally conscious. To learn more about what the City is doing and what you can do to help make a difference please visit the following sites:
- City’s Waste Reduction and Education
- What can you do to prepare for a changing climate?
- What is the City doing to adapt for climate change?
Together we really can make a difference.