City of Ottawa does not currently have the statutory authority under the Municipal Act to use parking revenues for general revenue purposes. It is in the interest of the City for such funds to be used for projects related to sustainable transportation including sidewalk construction, cycling infrastructure, and public transit.
Therefore, after collaborating with my colleagues, I submitted a Motion on October 23rd to expand the use of our parking revenues.
My Motion, seconded by Councillor King, resolved that the Mayor, on behalf of the City of Ottawa, petition the Province of Ontario to make the necessary changes to the Municipal Act. The Motion would permit the City of Ottawa, and other Ontario municipalities, the ability to use municipal parking revenues as a parking tax to fund projects throughout the City related to sustainable transportation, including sidewalk construction, cycling infrastructure, and public transit.
I am pleased to announce that my Motion was carried for the Mayor, on behalf of the City of Ottawa, request AMO’s (Association of Municipalities of Ontario) assistance in petitioning the Province on this matter.
Passing of this Parking Revenue Motion is a step forward towards improving our transportation infrastructure, especially for pedestrians and cyclists.