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Built Heritage Committee – Tuesday, July 9 at 9:30 am,
- Presentation – Alexandra Bridge replacement project
- Application for demolition and new construction at 381 Kent Street, a property designated under part V of the Ontario Heritage Act as part of the Centretown Heritage Conservation District
- Application to alter 259 Clemow Avenue, a property designated under part V of the Ontario Heritage Act as part of the Clemow-Monkland Driveway and Linden Terrace Heritage Conservation District
- Application to alter the Aberdeen Pavilion, 1000 Exhibition Way, a property designated under part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act
- Designation of 85 Primrose Avenue East, 755 Somerset Street West, and 90 Primrose Avenue East/96 Empress Avenue under part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act
- Designation of Cherry House, at 257 Clarence Street, under part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act
- Designation of St. Margaret’s Anglican Church, 206 Montréal Road under part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act
- Designation of 50 Carruthers Avenue under part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act
- Designation of Lemieux Island Water Purification Plant, 1 Onigam Street, under part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act
Ottawa City Council – Wednesday, July 10 at 10 am