LRT Guideway from Pinecrest to Moodie Stations
The LRT guideway will run along the existing Transitway corridor, at grade, parallel to the north side of Highway 417. It will be in a trench underneath Pinecrest Road and Moodie Drive and on a bridge over Holly Acres Road. As a result, some existing ramps will have to be adjusted, shifted, or temporarily closed and rebuilt to accommodate construction activities. Closure of the Transitway is in effect from Holly Acres to Moodie Drive.
Construction activities are scheduled so that the duration and extent of the impacts on all modes of transportation and the local community are minimized. Traffic will be shifted during construction to make space for the new structures (i.e., stations, bridges, roads etc.) and the LRT guideway. This will be done in stages, using temporary ramps, temporary closures, and traffic pattern shifts. Detours will use approved arterial or major collector roads with posted signage and variable message boards. Cycling and pedestrian mobility will be maintained during construction, with posted signage and detours around work zones.
Pinecrest Interchange
Ramp modifications continue at Pinecrest Interchange enabling the LRT to travel in a trench underneath. The new open trench at Pinecrest interchange will have a new traffic ramp structure overtop, to be completed by the end of the year. A temporary bus-only off-ramp is under construction at Pinecrest interchange opening in early November. Utilities at Pinecrest are still being relocated, including storm and sanitary sewers, as well as drainage work. Starting November 2nd, the westbound 417 off-ramp will be closed for an extended period of construction until summer of 2023. The ramp closure is necessary to build the guideway west of Pinecrest interchange, and to connect with the Connaught Cut-and-Cover Tunnel from Queensview Station. There is also a new Pinecrest Road northbound to Highway 417 on-ramp open as of early November.
Bayshore Station
Utility relocation in the area will continue near the Transitway and the shopping mall through the fall. Overnight work will be ongoing. The Bayshore Station construction is expected to start in 2022. The Transitway will remain open during construction, between Bayshore Station and Holly Acres Road.
Holly Acres Road
At Holly Acres Road, the new south-west ramp construction is expected to be completed and opened in mid-November. Road widening, electrical and sidewalk work will be ongoing through fall. Bridge structure work for the LRT flyover continues through fall. Overnight work will be ongoing.
Moodie Station and the Light Maintenance and Storage Facility (LMSF)
Ottawa’s LRT will have no at-grade crossings which is why three new road bridges will be built for traffic to bypass the guideway as it crosses Moodie Drive north of Highway 417. The Moodie Drive activity is ongoing with work continuing in phases through December 2021. Construction of the Moodie Drive bridge structures will be occurring through the fall, along with the bridge deck, guardrail, and roadway work. A new southbound Moodie Drive to westbound Highway 417 on-ramp will open in mid-November 2021, followed by another westbound Highway 417 on-ramp re-opening in December, for northbound traffic on Moodie Drive. Moodie Drive construction will be completed, and Moodie Drive will return to original condition with 2 lanes in each direction before the end of 2021.
At Moodie Station, work has begun for the future O-Train station and O-Train guideway. The Transitway between Holly Acres and Moodie Drive is now closed for the construction of the future guideway, O-Train station, and bus loop.
Corkstown Road will be realigned for Station construction, with work anticipated to start in late fall, and include utility relocations and roadway work. The Moodie Drive to westbound Highway 417 on-ramp will be closed until November 2021. The LMSF construction is advancing well with structural steel walls, utilities and electrical work progressing, as well as foundations and footings. Overnight work in the area will be ongoing.
Most work is scheduled to occur from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday to Friday. However, throughout the notice period, there will be requirements for overnight work and weekend work.
Night work is required at times to accommodate work that requires traffic closures that cannot be done during the day, thus mitigating impacts on the travelling public. In addition, for works that are schedule critical, night work may be required, following a Public Notice, to meet the schedule on this large and complex project.
Noise and vibration from trucks and heavy equipment are anticipated. Trucks will use approved haul routes. Workers and contractors will park in designated parking areas. Street sweeping, dust suppression and snow removal will be ongoing as needed.
All pedestrian, cycling, bus, and vehicular movements will be maintained during construction, at times with detours. Pedestrians and cyclists should use extra caution when localized detours are in place, and adhere to all posted signage, speed limits, when travelling to ensure safety, as patterns change.
For residents whose property borders the affected construction zones, equipment in the area may cause additional noise and occasional vibration as the work progresses. The City of Ottawa thanks residents for their patience as KEV works to complete these construction activities.
Accessibility is an important consideration for the Stage 2 LRT project. The Stage 2 team makes every effort to provide access through and around construction sites. If you require special accommodation, please contact
The safety of the public and the workers is paramount, and we thank you for your patience during construction.
The construction work outlined in this notice is subject to change. Work may be delayed or extended due to weather or other unforeseen circumstances.
This notice provides an overview of activities expected to occur until September 2021. Specific timing of activities, including road closures or detours, overnight activities, or other major works, will be communicated in advance via the Stage 2 project e-newsletter. To receive these newsletter updates, please sign up at and select “Pinecrest, Bayshore or Moodie Station” For other accommodations, or any questions, please contact:
Damon Berlin
Stakeholder Relations, Rail Construction Program
City of Ottawa
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