Take advantage of the City’s new Rain Ready eLearning courses today.
The City of Ottawa, through its Rain Ready Program, has launched a new series of free bilingual online courses where residents can learn all about how they can be rain ready! This series of free online courses will give you the knowledge and skills you need to better protect your property from the impacts of rainfall and flooding.
Courses focus on practical projects you can install at home that will have a significant impact on the risk of property damage and flooding, while also building city wide climate resiliency and sustainability.
Learn how to build a beautiful rain garden, the reality of stormwater management in Ottawa, or why you should redirect your downspout.
You’ll also learn more about how you could qualify for up to $5,000 in rebates.
Sign up here: Rain Ready Ottawa’s eLearning Program (talentlms.com)
Learn more about how you can be rain ready and contact the rain ready team at ottawa.ca/rain.
Become Rain Ready! Online Webinar April 19th
On April 19th staff will be hosting an online webinar for residents. You can learn about how you can become Rain Ready! At this session you’ll learn about the problems associated with rainfall and stormwater in Ottawa, and how you can be prepared for it. You’ll get expert advice from fusion certified landscapers on the kinds of changes you can make to your property to better protect against flooding and erosion, while at the same time making better use of rain where it falls. Plus, learn how you may qualify for up to $5,000 in rebates to install rain ready projects such as a rain garden, soakaway pit, permeable pavement, or relocating your downspout. To register for the webinar visit here.