The O-Train West Extension is one of the three major extensions to Ottawa’s Light Rail Transit Project. The extension will add over 15 km of new rail and 11 new stations between Tunney’s Pasture to Moodie Drive and to Algonquin station. It also comprises a maintenance and storage facility, 10 new bridges, 14 rehabilitated bridges and 2 Cut-and-Cover Tunnels.
This notice provides an overview of upcoming activities between Connaught Park and Queensview Station, as well as the expected community impacts including hours of work, noise from crews and equipment, pedestrian, and vehicle mobility etc. While solid progress on the project is being made, construction activities can be expected to continue to cause disruptions for area residents.
Major Works
During this fall season, focus will centre around some crucial activities, principally drilling, excavation, support of excavation, for the Connaught Cut-and-Cover Tunnel construction, and structures work. Progress continues on construction of the split-structure bridge in Connaught Park, the Woodroffe Pedestrian Bridge until winter, and associated pathway work.
Lincoln Fields

There are several work areas operating in Lincoln Fields between Carling Avenue and Richmond Road, including structural work, Cut-and-Cover Tunnel work, and station construction. Progress will continue on structures, station pad, station walls, retaining walls and some utility work throughout the fall. The pedestrian walkway that connected the bus station to Carling Avenue is now closed to allow for construction, and Carling Avenue will undergo another lane shift in October. The Lincoln Fields Station construction will be ongoing until 2023.
Connaught Park

South of Carling Avenue, construction on the split-structure bridge continues with deck and parapet installation. The new Woodroffe Pedestrian Bridge construction continues through the fall with pier cap construction and assembly of the steel structure; once it’s completed and opened to the public in Q2 2022 followed by removal of the current bridge.
Multi-use Pathway (MUP) construction to connect with the pedestrian bridge is underway, with paving anticipated in November.
In the area of Connaught Avenue, the drilling work is advancing well, with excavation and removals starting in October through December. Following excavation, formwork will be installed, and walls will be poured. Utilities relocation will also be ongoing through fall. Traffic will be maintained while performing drilling operations.
Queensview Station
Cut-and-Cover Tunnel work is advancing well between Connaught Avenue along the north side of Highway 417 to the Pinecrest interchange. Some utilities relocation work is ongoing through the fall. Stormwater and sanitary line relocation are still ongoing on Queensview Drive near the Ottawa Police Services property on Queensview with anticipated completion by the end of October.
The future Queensview Station construction has started this fall, with the foundation, slab, and walls; in conjunction with Cut-and-Cover Tunnel drilling, excavation, and support of excavation.
Pinecrest Interchange

Ramp modifications continue at Pinecrest Interchange enabling the LRT to travel in a trench underneath. The new open trench at Pinecrest interchange will have a new traffic ramp structure overtop, to be completed by the end of the year. A temporary bus ramp is under construction at Pinecrest interchange until end of October. Utilities at Pinecrest are still being relocated, including storm and sanitary sewers, as well as drainage work. In November the westbound 417 off-ramp will close for an extended period of construction from November 2021 until summer of 2023. The ramp closure is necessary to build the guideway west of Pinecrest interchange, and to connect with the Connaught Cut-and-Cover Tunnel from Queensview Station.
Community Impacts
Most work is scheduled to occur from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday to Friday. However, throughout the notice period, there will be requirements for overnight work and intermittent weekend work.
Night work is needed at times to accommodate work that requires traffic closures that cannot be done during the day, thus mitigating impacts on the travelling public. In addition, for works that are schedule critical, night work may be required to meet the schedule on this large and complex project.
Noise and vibration from trucks and heavy equipment is expected. Trucks will use approved haul routes. Workers and contractors will park in designated parking areas. Street sweeping and dust suppression will be ongoing as needed this fall then transitioning to snow removal and winter maintenance.
All pedestrian, cycling, bus, and vehicular movements will be maintained during construction, at times with some detours. Pedestrians and cyclists should use extra caution when localized detours are in place, and adhere to all posted signage, speed limits, when travelling to ensure safety, as patterns change.
Residents whose property borders the affected construction zones, equipment in the area may cause additional noise and occasional vibration as the work progresses. The City of Ottawa thanks residents for their patience as we work to complete these construction activities.
Accessibility is an important consideration for the Stage 2 LRT project. The Stage 2 team makes every effort to provide access through and around construction sites. If you require special accommodation, please contact stage2@ottawa.ca.
The construction work outlined in this notice is subject to change. Work may be delayed or extended due to weather or other unforeseen circumstances.
Contact LRT2 Team
Additional construction updates, such as changes to work sequencing and the duration or impact of this work will be communicated via the Stage 2 project e-newsletter. To receive these electronic updates please sign up at Ottawa.ca/Stage2connect and select updates for “Lincoln Fields Station” and/or “Queensview Station” and/or “Pinecrest Station”. For other accommodations, or any questions, please contact:
Damon Berlin
Stakeholder Relations,
Rail Construction Program,
City of Ottawa
Subscribe for Stage 2 project updates here.