On Wednesday November 22 Planning staff from the Community Planning Unit of the Economic Development and Long Range Planning department held a public open house on the Lincoln Fields Secondary Plan.
The purpose of this study is to prepare a Secondary Plan to guide future development in the Lincoln Fields Station Area that compliments the City’s newly adopted Official Plan. The main objective of the study and the secondary plan is to facilitate a more urbanized place that helps meet the City’s intensification targets and strategically locate density in proximity to the future Lincoln Fields O-Train Station.
The study area boundary identifies what is approximately an 800-metre or 10-minute walk from the future Lincoln Fields O-Train Station, as well as lands outside of that in order to consider elements such as connectivity, infrastructure, amenities. The study area is the area for which the secondary plan policies will apply. It will also be determined through the study process if Zoning By-law amendments are required.
To view the recording from Wednesday evening’s meeting you can visit my YouTube channel here.