It is wonderful to be able to offer a free community building event, and introducing the idea of Kite Nights to the Ottawa audience. With four dates left in July the Westboro BIA are looking forward to more opportunities for neighbours to reconnect and more people to learn about the businesses in Westboro Village.
There are two ways for people to learn more about Kite Nights, the BIA has information on their website and a Facebook event.
Kite Nights are one of the new opportunities the BIA are bringing to Westboro Village this summer to help the community connect with each other, businesses and enjoy the traditional main street. The BIA did hear from some neighbours concerns about the volume of the music, and By-Law did attend to ensure they were below permit decibel levels. To be respectful of neighbours, and continue to build strong relationships , organizers will be asking Skeleton Events to turn the volume down a notch or two during the evening.
In partnership with Ottawa Street Markets, the Westboro BIA are introducing the Richmond Road Market on Thursday evenings at the Churchill Seniors Centre parking lot. Markets play a complementary role to bricks and mortar businesses and we are thrilled to bring this new night market to Westboro.
The BIA are also finalizing dates with the Ottawa Music Industry Coalition to bring City Sounds back for another year with live music, with Sunday afternoon shows in Winston Square. Looking forward to having this community engagement right next door for all to enjoy!