An aerial photo which illustrates the work locations is shown above. The work involves safety upgrades which includes: installation of platforms, grating, and ladders allowing the City to continue the efficient collection of stormwater and flood protection within the Britannia area.
The anticipated construction impacts include:
- Pedestrian and cyclist impacts on the Trans Canada Trail will be minimal, with some minor rerouting to parallel pathways during construction.
- Increased noise levels will occur due to excavation and operation of heavy equipment.
- Traffic impacts will be minimal, with the possibility of a minor increase in construction vehicle traffic in the area. On-street parking impacts will be minimal.
- There will be no impact to water quality/water pressure, and work will not impact wastewater or stormwater collection.
The contractor is planning to start work in late May and it will take about 2 months to complete.
Work will start at Kempster and when its done, work will move to Ritchie.