Imagine for a moment … a garden and a bake oven in every school
Teaching our kids to make bread, grow vegetables and herbs, and to use tools.
At each school a mentor Gardener
A teacher, a mentor, and partner
Turning lawns into food for all to feed
certainly can be seen as a valiant deed.
So consider the school down your street
and how it can be used to grow good food to eat.
Contact a teacher and an administrator
Take action, get involved, make things Better.
Soil, community Gardens, perma-culture and pollination
so much knowledge, food and inspiration,
with bodies, minds and souls sated,
we await the next growing season breath abated.
For now we will look in awe upon the snow
and hear the howling winds blow
with dreams of the plants we will nurture and the seeds we will sow
the fruits of our labours will again grow
With sun, soil, seed, water and lofty aspirations
we make the future brighter for next generations
A vision for our neighbourhood organizations
More communication, more sharing more community collaboration
Imagine Ottawa valley growing 50 % of our food, locally,organically, by 2050
let’s build hope and a plan for food security
it is possible you know, in parks, schools, churches and common grounds we can grow
plant a seed, nurture, water and weed
Ottawa taking the lead
For our communities to better feed,
so many benefits will accrue
to decide is all we need do
spending time with you has been swell.
may you and your gardens fare well.