Hydro Ottawa offers several programs to help customers experiencing difficulty with paying their electricity bills.
For more information, visit: hydroottawa.com
- The Low-Income Energy Assistance Program (LEAP), which provides emergency financial relief to eligible low-income customers to avoid having their service disconnected.
- The COVID-19 Energy Assistance Programs
- The COVID-19 Energy Assistance Program (CEAP) for residential customers provides financial support to residential consumers who have fallen behind on their energy bills as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.
- The COVID-19 Energy Assistance Program for Small Business (CEAP-SB) provides financial support to small business and registered charity customers who have fallen behind in their bill payments as a result of the COVID-19 emergency.
- The COVID-19 Energy Assistance Program (CEAP) for residential customers provides financial support to residential consumers who have fallen behind on their energy bills as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.
- The Ontario Electricity Support Program (OESP), which enables eligible low-income customers to receive a fixed monthly credit on their electricity bills.
- The Energy Affordability Program (EAP) helps qualified homeowners, tenants and social and/or assisted housing providers improve the energy efficiency of their homes.
- Other programs and regulatory rules, which help eligible low-income customers to manage their electricity bills or reduce their energy costs:
- Qualified Low-Income Customers are not required to provide or maintain a security deposit.
- Arrears Payment Agreements (APA) are available. These Agreements allow eligible customers more time to pay outstanding balances in order to avoid disconnection.